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Technical Data Sheets

Below are technical data sheets on our products. The information contained in this data sheet replaces any previous information and all specifications and technical data appearing here must be used as guidelines, since they correspond to average values tested at laboratory. It is the responsibility of all users to satisfy themselves that the above data is current. This technical data sheet does not offer any warranty (express or implied) regarding the suitability of any product for your use as site conditions and requirements can vary. Ground Cover Solutions reserves the right to alter product specifications and technical data without prior notice.

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Product Description

Groundtex is a ground cover fabric manufactured from 100% polypropylene slit film tapes.

Click here or scroll down to view full technical data sheet.


Weedtex is a spunbond non-woven weed control fabric manufactured from 100% virgin polypropylene giving excellent durability and optimum quality.

Click here or scroll down to view full technical data sheet.


Landtex is a spunbond non-woven landscape fabric manufactured from 100% virgin polypropylene giving excellent durability and optimum quality.

Click here or scroll down to view full technical data sheet.


Drivetex is a non-woven geotextile fabric manufactured from 100% virgin polypropylene fibres giving excellent durability and mechanical resistance.

Click here or scroll down to view full technical data sheet.


Draintex is a non-woven geotextile fabric manufactured from 100% virgin polypropylene fibres giving excellent durability and mechanical resistance.

Click here or scroll down to view full technical data sheet.


Earthworx NW 1000 is a non-woven geotextile fabric manufactured from 100% virgin polypropylene fibres giving excellent durability and mechanical resistance.

Click here or scroll down to view full technical data sheet.





Groundtex is a ground cover fabric manufactured from 100% polypropylene slit film tapes.

Groundtex is typically used as a heavy duty weed suppressant in horticultural and agricultural growing applications or for ground stabilisation as a separation/reinforcement layer or in landscape, building/construction, groundworks and civil engineering.  It can be used in a number of applications including;

  • ‘Standing out’ areas
  • Borders and planting beds
  • Paths
  • Roads and driveways
  • Car parks and areas of hardstanding
  • Paved areas
  • Earthworks, foundations and retaining structures
Properties Test Method Unit Value

Tensile Strength

(MD = Machine Direction CMD = Cross Machine Direction)

EN ISO 10319 kN/m

MD = 11.7

CMD = 10.6


  (MD = Machine Direction CMD = Cross Machine Direction)
EN ISO 10319 %

MD = 19

CMD = 16
Dynamic Perforation Resistance (Cone Drop) EN ISO 918 mm 30
Static Puncture Resistance (CBR) EN ISO 12236 N 1461
Characteristic Opening Size (Pore Size) O90 EN ISO 12956 µm 202
Water Flow/Permeability EN ISO 11058 cm/s


x 10-3

Mass per unit area EN ISO 9864 g/m² 100.0
Durability - Predicted to be durable for a minimum of 25 years in natural soil with 4 <pH< 9 and soil temperatures < 25oC
Effect of UV light - The polypropylene used in the manufacture of this product contains a UV inhibitor






Weedtex is a spunbond non-woven weed control fabric manufactured from 100% virgin polypropylene giving excellent durability and optimum quality.


Weedtex is a standard duty weed control fabric, typically used for weed suppression in a variety of applications, including;

  • Flower borders.
  • Decking
  • Planting schemes
Properties Unit Value

Tensile Strength

(MD = Machine Direction CMD = Cross Machine Direction)


MD = 3.64

CMD = 2.72


(MD = Machine Direction CMD = Cross Machine Direction)

MD = 163.35

CMD = 177.4

Tensile Load

(MD = Machine Direction CMD = Cross Machine Direction)

MD = 82

CMD = 61.25

BK Load

(MD = Machine Direction CMD = Cross Machine Direction)

MD = 66

CMD = 54.25
Mass per unit area g/m² 50.00
Thickness mm 0.45






Landtex is a spunbond non-woven landscape fabric manufactured from 100% virgin polypropylene giving excellent durability and optimum quality.


Landtex is a medium duty landscape fabric, typically used for weed suppression in a variety of applications, including;

  • Flower/landscaped borders.
  • Decking
  • Planting schemes/beds
  • Rockeries and scree gardens
Properties Unit Value

Tensile Strength

(MD = Machine Direction CMD = Cross Machine Direction)

MD = 4.97

CMD = 3.86


(MD = Machine Direction CMD = Cross Machine Direction)

MD = 212.02

CMD = 234.58

Tensile Load

(MD = Machine Direction CMD = Cross Machine Direction)

MD = 134.25

CMD = 104.25

BK Load

(MD = Machine Direction CMD = Cross Machine Direction)

MD = 124.25

CMD = 97.0
Mass per unit area g/m² 70.00
Thickness mm 0.54






Drivetex is a non-woven geotextile fabric manufactured from 100% virgin polypropylene fibres giving excellent durability and mechanical resistance.


Drivetex is typically used for ground stabilisation and drainage/filtration in groundwork, civil engineering, landscape and building works.  It can be used for separation, filtration, drainage and reinforcement in a variety of applications including;

  • Roads and driveways
  • Highways
  • Railway construction
  • Car parks and areas of hardstanding
  • Paved areas
  • Land drains, soakaways and SUDS installations.
Properties Test Method Unit Value Tolerance

Tensile Strength

(MD = Machine Direction CMD = Cross Machine Direction)
EN ISO 10319 kN/m

MD = 5.40

CMD = 5.60

- 0.54

- 0.56


(MD = Machine Direction CMD = Cross Machine Direction)
EN ISO 10319 %

MD = 45.00

CMD = 70.00

+/- 13.50

+/- 21.00
Dynamic Perforation Resistance (Cone Drop) EN ISO 13433 mm 44.00 + 8.80
Static Puncture Resistance (CBR) EN ISO 12236 N 900.00 - 90.00
Characteristic Opening Size (Pore Size) O90 EN ISO 12956 µm 120.00 +/- 36.00
Water Flow/Permeability EN ISO 11058 l/m²/s 120.00 - 30.0%
Mass per unit area EN ISO 9864 g/m² 90.00 +/- 10.00%
Thickness under 2 kPa EN ISO 9863-1 mm 0.6 +/- 20.0%
Durability / Weathering Resistance EN 12224 Can be exposed up to 1 day
Oxidation Resistance EN ISO 13438 Predicted to be durable for a minimum of 25 years in natural soil with 4 < pH < 9 and temperatures < 250C






Draintex is a non-woven geotextile fabric manufactured from 100% virgin polypropylene fibres giving excellent durability and mechanical resistance.


Draintex is typically used for ground stabilisation and drainage/filtration in groundwork, civil engineering, landscape and building works.  It can be used for separation, filtration, drainage and reinforcement in a variety of applications including;

  • Roads and driveways
  • Highways
  • Railway construction
  • Car parks and areas of hardstanding
  • Paved areas
  • Land drains, soakaways and SUDS installations.
Properties Test Method Unit Value Tolerance

Tensile Strength

(MD = Machine Direction CMD = Cross Machine Direction)
EN ISO 10319 kN/m

MD = 4.60

CMD = 5.20

- 0.60



(MD = Machine Direction CMD = Cross Machine Direction)
EN ISO 10319 %

MD = 40.00

CMD = 60.00

+/- 10.00

+/- 15.00
Dynamic Perforation Resistance (Cone Drop) EN ISO 13433 mm 45.00 + 9.00
Static Puncture Resistance (CBR) EN ISO 12236 N 800.00 - 80.0
Characteristic Opening Size (Pore Size) O90 EN ISO 12956 µm 120.00 +/- 36.00
Water Flow/Permeability EN ISO 11058 m/s 0.13 +/- 0.04
Mass per unit area EN ISO 9864 g/m² 80.00 +/- 10.00%
Thickness under 2 kPa EN ISO 9863-1 mm 0.50 +/- 20.00%
Durability EN ISO 12224 Can be exposed up to 1 day
Oxidation Resistance EN ISO 13438 Predicted to be durable for a minimum of 25 years in natural soil with 4 < pH < 9 and temperatures < 250C






Earthworx NW 1000 is a non-woven geotextile fabric manufactured from 100% virgin polypropylene fibres giving excellent durability and mechanical resistance.


Earthworx is typically used for ground stabilisation and drainage/filtration in groundwork, civil engineering, landscape and building works.  It can be used for separation, filtration, drainage and reinforcement in a variety of applications including;

  • Roads and driveways
  • Highways, airport runways etc
  • Car parks and areas of hardstanding
  • Paved areas
  • Land drains, soakaways and SUDS installations
  • Railway construction
  • Hydraulic works e.g. guiding of river channels, irrigation ditches, pools and coastlines etc
  • Foundations and retaining structures
  • Erosion control and protection.
Properties Test Method Unit Value Tolerance

Tensile Strength

(MD = Machine Direction CMD = Cross Machine Direction)
EN ISO 10319 kN/m

MD = 8.00

CMD = 8.00
- 1.00

Elongation at maximum load

(MD = Machine Direction CMD = Cross Machine Direction)
EN ISO 10319 %

MD = 45.00

CMD = 55.00

+/- 10.40

+/- 12.70
Dynamic Perforation Resistance (Cone Drop) EN ISO 13433 mm 34.00 + 8.50
Static Puncture Resistance (CBR) EN ISO 12236 kN 1.24 - 0.12
Characteristic Opening Size (Pore Size) O90 EN ISO 12956 µm 120.00 +/- 36.00
Water Flow/Permeability EN ISO 11058 l/m²s 110.00 - 33.00
Water flow capacity in the plane at 20kPa EN ISO 12958 m²/s - -
Mass per unit area EN ISO 9864 g/m² 100.00 +/- 10.00
Thickness under 2 kPa EN ISO 9863-1 mm 1.00 +/- 0.20
Durability EN ISO 12224 Can be left exposed for a maximum of 2 weeks following installation.
Oxidation Resistance EN ISO 13438 Predicted to be durable for a minimum of > 100 years in natural soil with 4 < pH < 9 and temperatures < 250C



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